
  1. jasonhill800

    5 Reasons Why Your Arms Might Not Be Growing

    Not seeing the progress you want in your biceps and triceps? The reason could be simpler than you might think. Here I’ll share five possible reasons that might explain why you’re not seeing the gains you’ve been working towards in your arms. ONLY DOING COMPOUND MOVEMENTS A frequent...
  2. LeatherHead

    Been a while!

    I'm back! After winning my last show in light heavyweight bodybuilding last year, life threw me every curve ball it could think of, but dammit I'm back and 12 weeks out from my next show. I missed you guys!
  3. drtbear1967

    Old School to build Foundation.

    If you spend some time scouring the internet, you're going to be inundated with the advice to "use compound free weight movements." There's a good reason for this. Exercises like squats, bench presses, rows, dips, chins, and deadlifts will cover virtually every muscle in the body. It's good...