
  1. Presser

    Bodybuilding Steroids Chart On Muscle Mass, Fat Loss, Contest Preperation , and Keepable Gains

    Bodybuilding Steroids Chart Rating On Muscle Mass, Fat Loss, Contest Preperation , and Keepable GainsThe chart ranks steroids in different categories from 1 - 10. 1 being the lowest/weakest, and 10 being the highest/strongest. The rankings below were decided upon by one person's opinions, it was...
  2. Presser

    Testosterone Suspension the water based steroid. TNE Testosterone No Ester

    Figured I would post this since i was reading up on TNE and what some people call Testosterone Base as it can get confusing since i think it comes down to how its referred to, as when some say TNE they say its automatically in oil, and when they say Test Base its automatically in water, however...