
  1. drtbear1967

    Recovery Intrusive Deadlift

    The Recovery Intrusive Deadlift . The deadlift is a "takes more than it gives" movement. It's recovery intrusive, possibly more than any other compound movement. No lift causes a greater degree of "workout hangover" than heavy and hard deadlifting. Why? Most coaches say it's because of the...
  2. drtbear1967

    Improve your deadlift.

    There's the belief that deadlifting from a big deficit (like 4 inches or so) will improve your strength off the floor in a standard deadlift. It won't. It's too dissimilar to transfer over to your conventional deadlift. But with a very small deficit – my go-to is standing on a standard 45-pound...
  3. drtbear1967

    Sadiv Sets - 12 Minutes of Singles

    12 Minutes of Singles Set a timer and ramp up your deadlifting volume with Sadiv sets. Here's how. by Todd Bumgardner High volume deadlifting – but not necessarily high-rep sets – can turn you into a monster. If you're not deadlifting on the reg, you're missing out on a huge opportunity...
  4. Iron Game

    For Boosting Muscle & Power Gains Hexagonal Deadlifts

    Hexagonal Deadlifts - For Boosting Muscle & Power Gains Are Hexagonal Bar Deadlifts Better Than Barbell Deadlifts? The deadlift is truly one of the best exercises for developing raw strength and power. The deadlift also provides a potent training stimulus that triggers considerable muscle...
  5. Dean Destructo


    Some sorry trainer **** at my gym complained about my deadlifting being too "loud and distracting". SO suffice to say I will be getting a refund and it is back to sweating my ass off in the backyard. Oh well , guess I was getting soft anyways. What happened to the real gyms? The dark places...