
  1. Iron Game

    Bring BACK your LATS

    Body Mechanics 101: How To Bring Back 80s Lat Development One of the most common mistakes made in the gym is the inability for people to fully engage their lats during back training. Even seasoned trainers struggle with this — even if they don’t know they do. In a day and age of heavy rowing...
  2. Metal85

    Xrays of my knee..............

    Full Left knee replacement... Can You say long recovery........ Looks like no squats for a while....... no deads.................. why oh why does this have to happen to Me ? ? ? Here is the Xray
  3. Metal85

    Improve deads

    It's one of the most important exercises you will ever perform: the deadlift. expert Matt Biss will show you how to maximize your deadlift technique so you can pull biggest poundage possible. <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 bgColor=#444444><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE...
  4. Metal85

    squats, deads same week

    Rotating Exercises, Squats & Deads in the Same Week <!-- Fresh Gem -->November 30th, 2011 How to Build Muscle, Strength & Conditioning Question: Jay, Two quick questions regarding the squat and deadlift and rotating these lifts. 1. How does rotating through several lower body lifts affect...