
  1. Ox 51

    LeBron Versus Trump Part 2

    President Donald Trump took a shot at Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron Jamesin a tweet Friday night. <twitterwidget class="twitter-tweet twitter-tweet-rendered" id="twitter-widget-0" data-tweet-id="1025586524782559232" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-bottom: 10px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0)...
  2. Steroidify

    Roidvisor.com - your reliable guide to steroids

    Hi guys, You can check out some of my latest articles from our blog, Roidvisor.com There are some hot topics about doping and olympics discussed. http://roidvisor.com/rich-piana-slap-boxes-jason-genova-get-big-fuck-steroid-cycle/...