
  1. T

    Are you a sugar or sugar craver?

    Well up until a few of my members came in with boatloads of sugary candy, I was going to say salt. But after the last few days of kisses, candy corn and reeeses PB cups, with me its a tie! Luckily no weight gain or apreciable body fat increase I'm tradionally a binge eater, I'm fairly strict...
  2. drtbear1967

    Improve Body Comp During Meals by Doing This

    <!-- react-text: 641 -->Do This During Meals to Improve Body Comp<!-- /react-text --> <!-- react-text: 716 -->• Do you consider yourself a fast eater, a slow eater, or a just-the-right-speed eater? • Compared to others, do you eat faster than them, slower than them, or at the same speed?<!--...