
  1. Iron Game

    Eating Too Fast Messes With Your Insulin Balance

    The faster you eat, the more difficult it is for the hormone insulin to do its work in your body. That means that fewer nutrients reach your muscles, and probably that more get deposited in your fat reserves. In the long term this leads to a much higher chance of developing diabetes type-2...
  2. drtbear1967

    Improve Body Comp During Meals by Doing This

    <!-- react-text: 641 -->Do This During Meals to Improve Body Comp<!-- /react-text --> <!-- react-text: 716 -->• Do you consider yourself a fast eater, a slow eater, or a just-the-right-speed eater? • Compared to others, do you eat faster than them, slower than them, or at the same speed?<!--...
  3. drtbear1967

    Breakfast - The Most Overrated Meal of the Day.

    Breakfast – The Most Overrated Meal of the Day by Anthony Roberts For decades we’ve been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. To support this claim, study after study has been foisted on us, showing that people who eat breakfast have lower cholesterol, live longer, are...