
  1. drtbear1967

    Incline Rope Pullovers

    Incline Rope Pullovers – The key in doing these is execution. You don't want to turn incline rope pullovers into a triceps pushdown, so the elbows need to stay slightly bent during the concentric/lifting portion of the movement. The focus should be in bringing the elbows down and into the waist...
  2. drtbear1967

    Exercise Execution: The secret solution for more muscle

    There are no special amounts of repetitions, volume, intensities, frequencies, rep ranges, or exercise programs that will make you progress quicker than understanding proper exercise execution. <article class="blog-post-page-font" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-style...
  3. P

    Drugs to reinforce tendons and cure tendinitis

    Hello everyone, I have some trouble with my LHB (Long Head of the Biceps), they get inflamed or irritated very easily (bench press, flies, curls). This is possibly due to improper form during the execution and I am trying to work on that. Is there any drug I can take to reinforce them and get...