
  1. Iron Game

    AAS Aromatization And How To Control It

    By William Llewellyn Testosterone is the primary substrate used in the male body for the synthesis of estrogen (estradiol), the principal female sex hormone. Although the presence of estrogen may seem quite unusual in men, it is structurally very similar to testosterone. With a slight...
  2. Iron Game

    Grow Even When Off Anabolic Steroids! Parts 1 & 2

    Grow Even When Off Steroids! Parts 1 & 2 PART 1 by Dharkam Forward: This two-part series introduces a secret anabolic agent which has been used by elite European athletes for a few years. We present the series for information only. Nothing in this series is intended to take the place of...
  3. Presser

    How to come off steroids with HCG, Anti-aromatase, Cytadren, Anastrozole. IGF-1 could favorably replace both insulin and HGH for muscle retention

    Is it useful to cycle steroids? After a while, steroids lose part of their muscle building properties. You then face the following dilemma: either increase the dosage at the risk of suffering more and more side effects or simply stop the drug for some time. In that case, you may lose some if not...
  4. Iron Game

    All Current Banned Prohormones:

    All Current Banned Prohormones: • 5α-Androstan-3,6,17-trione • (A saturated/’5a-reduced’ form of 6-oxo) • 6-bromo-androstan-3,17-dione • (A saturated form of the aromatase inhibitor 6-bromoandrostenedione) • 6-bromo-androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione • (6-bromoandrostenedione with additional C1-2...