
  1. D

    LGD results

    Just wanted to post on some results. I had ordered a lot of ligandrol from musclechemistry while back. Went up to 12mg day while bulking. When eating a lot of food it gave me results similar to dbol. I dont gain 20 lbs off shop like some do....and ligandrol didnt do it either. But it did add...
  2. D

    LGD results

    Just wanted to post on some results. I had ordered a lot of ligandrol from musclechemistry while back. Went up to 12mg day while bulking. When eating a lot of food it gave me results similar to dbol. I dont gain 20 lbs off shop like some do....and ligandrol didnt do it either. But it did add...
  3. C

    Post-Workout Shake Mistakes

    That big post-workout treat you just whipped up could be hurting your diet. Put the blender away and increase your diet success! A post-workout protein shake is the gold standard of recovery nutrition in the fitness community. What better way to jumpstart the muscle rebuilding and repair...
  4. akn

    The 10 Biggest Mistakes Made During Contest Prep – Part 3

    by Mike Arnold Last-minute site enhancement Although opinions on the use of SEO’s in bodybuilding vary, there is no denying that these inert fillers are frequently used as a last-minute touch-up for enhancing select bodyparts. The finishing touch method I am referring to here is quite...
  5. Presser

    Carb Loading with Insulin for Pre Contest Bodybuilding Show. Maximize Muscle Fullness

    Maximize Muscle fullness onstage with insulin and carb loading without spilling over and looking smooth! Insulin. Perhaps the most controversial performance enhancing drug used in BB’ing today, insulin’s talent for causing dramatic physical change over a short period of time is unrivaled by all...