
  1. Iron Game

    What Kind of Gains to Expect on Halotestin Steroid Cycles?

    What Kind of Gains to Expect on Halotestin Steroid Cycles? Despite not being one of the most popular steroids among bodybuilders, Halotestin or also known as Halotest (Fluoxymesterone) is widely recognized for some of its properties that outclass many other popular AAS. In this...
  2. Presser

    HALOTESTIN , Bodybuilders, Muscle Gains , and PCT Protocol

    Fluoxymesterone , Bodybuilders, Muscle Gains , and PCT Protocol Halotestin not exactly the first steroid that comes to mind when planning your next steroid cycle, from start to finish, and of course and most importantly planning your POST STEROID CYCLE option, and the best way to keep your hard...