
  1. N

    Napsgear Napsgear: The Brachialis Handbook

    Bottom Line Up Front 1. Want a prominent bicep peak and arm circumference? You can't ignore the brachialis. 2. The brachialis is responsible for making the biceps appear taller. It quite literally pushes the biceps up. 3. Maximize brachialis recruitment by doing elbow flexion with a neutral or...
  2. Steroidify Rep

    🔎 Under The Scope: YK-11

    👨🏼*🔬What is it? ❕YK-11 is considered a combination between a SARM due to its high selectivity in activating androgen receptors and a steroid due to its chemical structure. 🧪How it works 🧬 Its special characteristic is that it very effectively inhibits ❌ myostatin, by drastically inducing...
  3. Steroidify Rep

    📕 Ebook: The SARMs Handbook

    🎉 We are very proud to present Steroidify's second free Ebook: The SARMs Handbook! Everything you need to know about SARMs, including what SARMs are and how to use them! ❕The book begins with an explanation about the process of creating SARMs 🧬 their role on current trials, to understand in...
  4. Iron Game

    The Life Of Dan Duchaine. The Original Steroid Guru

    by Josh Hodnik Dan Duchaine is a name that many attached to the bodybuilding industry don’t know much about today. To me, that is sad, because in many ways, this industry would not be where it’s at without Dan. Many take the information that they read about steroids and other performance...
  5. Masher59

    The Protein Powder Handbook

    <header style="box-sizing: content-box;">The Protein Powder Handbook Take your gains to a whole new level. <iframe name="f1eeb4da74" width="55px" height="1000px" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" scrolling="no" title="fb:like Facebook Social Plugin"...