
  1. D

    The mindset the dark place

    train hard when you next go to the gym stick headphones in put a hat on wear a baggy jumper and work your ass off the gym isn’t for social gatherings nowadays very few train hard and hard I mean intensity sweat dripping today you see phones out plenty talking For me I always know what I’m...
  2. drtbear1967

    Music Matters

    Most lifters would probably agree that music helps motivate them during their workouts. If you’re one that doesn’t listen to music during training, you might want to start. This study found that subjects who listened to their own music performed significantly more repetitions to failure at 75%...
  3. Metal85

    I wish CT Fletcher was never born...

    So this retard keeps saying "DERPPPPPP LIGHT WEIGHTTTTTTTTTTT YEAHHHHHHHHH BUDDDDDDYYYY!!!!" x10 for sets of forever so I start saying "Wermmmmmp DECENT WEIGHT YESSSSSSSS MY FRIEND!!!" On top of that annoyingness this dude has headphones on while he intermittently singing part of the lyrics...
  4. chihuahua

    Falcon Heavy?

    Simply amazing.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImoQqNyRL8Y You gotta use your headphones to get the full effect.
  5. CH3NO2


    What head phones do you guys use. I have a pair of Powebeats( I think versoin 2.0) over the ear wireless ones and they are nice, hold a good charge and stay in place. However they are not nearly loud enough for my liking. I remember as a kid my Sony Walkman headphones could make your ears bleed...