
  1. Dean Destructo

    Serequel- Any one take it before sleep?

    I take it for PTSD symptoms before bed. Anyone else take it? I just got prescribed? Any drug interaction I should know about? Seems like it is safe with AAS, etc.
  2. drtbear1967

    Is Brandon Curry the Next Big Thing.

    by Christian Duque When you’re dealing with the best athlete, of any sport, you’re dealing with someone who’s given their absolute all, who truly strives for excellence, and will not quit in the face of adversity. In physique-based sports, the single, undisputed, best competitor of each and...
  3. drtbear1967

    Is Bodybuilding Bigger Abroad?

    by Christian Duque There’s a very interesting cultural phenomenon taking place before our very eyes. Truthfully, the phenomenon has been happening for, perhaps, the last fifteen years, internationally. As Americans, we’re very much wired to the worldwide web, particularly social media. We’ve all...
  4. Presser

    Follistatin to antagonise Mysotatin for Unlimited Muscle Growth.

    Follistatin complexes Myostatin and antagonises Myostatin-mediated inhibition of myogenesis for All Your Research Peptide Needs! Abstract Follistatin is known to antagonise the function of several members of the TGF-β family of secreted signalling factors, including...
  5. Presser

    Follistatin suppresses Myostatin activity during muscle growth and development.

    Follistatin complexes Myostatin and antagonises Myostatin-mediated inhibition of myogenesis for All Your Research Peptide Needs! Abstract Follistatin is known to antagonise the function of several members of the TGF-β family of secreted signalling factors, including...