
  1. Iron Game

    Projecting Your Insecurities

    by Geoff Roberts The concept of out of shape “normal” individuals giving fit, in shape people a hard time about their lifestyle is nothing new. Any person who takes care of him or herself on a daily basis via going to the gym consistently and choosing to include or exclude certain food choices...
  2. drtbear1967

    Ten Toxic People You Should Avoid like The Plague

    In the Gym or Out, you need to be Aware of These People Ten Toxic People You Should Avoid Like The Plague Dr. Travis Bradberry Toxic people defy logic. Some are blissfully unaware of the negative impact that they have on those around them, and others seem to derive satisfaction from creating...
  3. J

    Ever get jealous of your girl posting pics on social media?

    Anyone ever get frustrated or even jealous of your girl posting her pics on social media? Im asking because Mine is all in shape now and looking sexy and posting on instragram, yet tells me you cant send or get messages on there..well that was until a chick messaged me so I know now its