
  1. drtbear1967

    Sensible Eating is the way to Go!

    by Christian Duque America is facing a major battle, a war actually. Heart disease is always a crucial concern, the onset of adult diabetes is on the rise, and many have been left scratching their heads, looking aimlessly for what’s causing all the healthcare woes. The cold hard facts are...
  2. drtbear1967

    How to Modify Fast Food So You Don't Blow Your Diet.

    How to Modify Fast Food So You Don’t Blow Your Diet by Matt Weik Just because you want to grab a quick bite to eat while on the go doesn’t mean you have to completely blow your diet. In fact, if you make wise choices, you don’t need to feel bad at all for hitting a fast food restaurant...
  3. Iron Game

    How to Modify Fast Food So You Don’t Blow Your Diet

    by Matt Weik Just because you want to grab a quick bite to eat while on the go doesn’t mean you have to completely blow your diet. In fact, if you make wise choices, you don’t need to feel bad at all for hitting a fast food restaurant. Unlike most people, you won’t be ordering the hypertension...
  4. Presser

    Maintain your bodyweight with Catabolic foods versus Anabolic Foods!

    CATABOLIC FOODS Catabolic foods burn up more calories than they supply. Catabolic foods are the opposite of Anabolic foods. For example a medium sized apple (which is catabolic), would provide an average of 85 calories, however your metabolism would require an additional 99 more calories to...
  5. Masher59

    Going Keto Part 4

    <header style="box-sizing: content-box;">Going Keto Part 4: Seven Keto Restaurant Hacks <iframe name="f27b57284c" width="55px" height="1000px" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" scrolling="no" title="fb:like Facebook Social Plugin"...