
  1. jimbosmith316

    Lipids and Diet

    Lipids, commonly referred to as fats, play a significant role in bodybuilding and overall fitness. While fats are often associated with weight gain, they are essential for various aspects of bodybuilding and maintaining overall health. Here's how lipids are relevant to bodybuilding: 1...
  2. A

    Lab results & current physique

    Hello fellas, So I need ur input on few things, the pictures are latest ,totally clean for 2.5 years, 1. I am 40 yrs now , been cycling since teens, always came off as was in grappling sport and had everything back to working in Time, now should I blast and cruise or should still...
  3. Presser Ligandrol Study

    Ligandrol LGD 4033 SARM LGD 4033 LGD-4033 is expected to produce the benefits of testosterone with improved safety, tolerability and acceptance due to tissue-selective mechanisms of action and oral routes administration. In a study done with 76 healthy men(21-50 years) LGD was well...
  4. A

    Minimal gear amount advice

    Hello folks, not been able to be much active for year and a half, getting back to be on the roller coaster. I have been off for year and a half , been cycling on off for last 20 years and there was not a cycle with low amounts of gear but now things are changing ,I am 39 years now and been...
  5. D

    starting cycle.

    ok fellas, just for completeness, I'm 52yrs old 511 jut got down to 195 lbs. I'm pretty lean, little lower back, little front torso fat. not much but needs work. Shortly I will begin the spring ritual of transformation. Goals will be to reach 210 some where around 10% bodyfat. I know that sounds...
  6. J

    Zinc keeps the development of the protein aromatase that changes more than USA Health Guide to estrogen.

    USA Health Guide They are found in the liver, red meat, for example, ground sirloin sandwich, mussels, shellfish, wheat, sesame, mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, peanuts ... You threat being insufficient in the event that you are a veggie sweetheart, yet likewise Because of mass green strategies...
  7. Iron Game

    Finding The Balance Between Bodybuilding Progress and Health

    by Mike Arnold “Bodybuilding isn’t about health” is a statement uttered frequently by today’s BB’ing enthusiasts. Yet, as a byproduct of the physical culture movement, its practice was rooted in a philosophy which placed health above all else. Throughout the first few decades of the sport, this...
  8. Iron Game

    Using Anavar As A Bridge?

    Q: What do you think of using a mild steroid like Anavar to bridge between cycles? Is this a good idea to maintain mass between my normal cycles? If so, how much should I use? A: There are many issues with “bridging” that should make the average person think twice about it. For starters, every...
  9. Iron Game

    Lab Work for Steroid Users -- by Iron-Game

    Common and Important Labs for Steroid Users Different labs will have different “normal ranges”. If at any time you have symptoms, you feel need to be addressed you will need to get lab work done ahead of schedule. I also wanted to give a brief explanation as to what each test is. It is important...