
  1. N

    Comparing Yourself to Others Is Holding You Back

    Comparison is said to be the thief of joy. This is especially true in the fitness sector. Comparison and pursuing perfectionism are two of the most typical habits I see people engage in. Both go hand in hand and frequently work together to keep people from achieving their true potential. While...
  2. drtbear1967

    Today's Madness.

    So I have sat back and watched the last month or so and would like to get everyone opinions. The BLM movement, from what I see does nothing for Black Lives. If people want to protest peacefully that is fine. But all of this looting and burning of building is just domestic terrorism to me. I...
  3. drtbear1967

    Bodybuilding - Saving Lives

    by Matt Weik With all the negativity surrounding the sport of bodybuilding, it’s refreshing to hear of some good that comes from it. I was looking at some headlines when I came across an article about a girl who got sick, had her large intestine removed, and while in her hospital bed decided to...
  4. drtbear1967

    Cardio and Gains

    Sure, cardio can be detrimental to lifting, but in some cases it can actually be beneficial – better work capacity allows you to do more sets during your workouts after all. Cardio only becomes an issue if you do shit-tons of it (and especially if that means jogging) and/or you're descended from...
  5. pgb

    just for laughs

    1. if walking is good for your health, the postman would be immortal. 2. a whale swims all day, only eats fish, only drinks water and is fat. 3.a rabbit only eats vegetables, runs and hops all day long and only lives five years. 4.a tortoise doesn't run and does nothing energetic, yet it...
  6. 9

    Suspect Goes for Gun - Jiu-Jitsu Saves Lives

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. 9

    Knuckle - Documentary

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> This film follows 12 years in the lives of three Irish Traveller families (Joyces, Nevins, and Quinn-McDonaghs) and their bitter feuds and fights. The film explores the...
  8. jimbosmith316

    IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Victor Martinez Good Deeds

    What a great way to raise money create an awareness for fitness! Having 2 autistic children, I understand the struggles that families go through when faced with autism. It is because of this that I started my series of Fit For Autism events back in 2007. As a bodybuilder, so much time is...
  9. Iron Game

    Half Life of Anabolic Steroids and other PEDs - Another

    Bill Philips Q: “I would like to know the real half lives of the most popular anabolic steroids, T3, clenbuterol, and anti-estrogens. Can you post the half lives, because there are so many different half-lives in the Internet?” A: It’s common for published values to be different, because...
  10. Presser

    Black Lives Matter Protesting Right Outside My Office Window lmao

    So im sitting here, and windows open, and i hear this over and over again: no justice no peace and of course hands up dont shoot lol, they are in front of city hall with signs and shit, screaming at passers by in their cars, and truthfully annoying the piss out of me right now lol, I wonder...
  11. 3J

    Tax Return Sale is Back! Huge Savings!

    Aright kiddos, summer is just around the corner and its time to hunker down and get ripped. Why not do it with the help of 3Js Nutrition Networks online diet and training coaching? Since your wallets are full of uncle sam's tax return money, im going to run a nice sale on all my coaching...
  12. akn

    The Half Lives of the Most Popular Anabolic Steroids and Bodybuilding Drugs

    Q: “I would like to know the real half lives of the most popular anabolic steroids, T3, clenbuterol, and anti-estrogens. Can you post the half lives, because there are so many different half-lives in the Internet?” A: It’s common for published values to be different, because pharmacokinetic...