

    YOURMUSCLESHOP Lyle Alzado Steroid Abuse

    Lyle Alzado Steroid Abuse There are two names that are most likely to be responsible for steroids being banned today: Olympic sprinter Ben Johnson, and American Football player Lyle Alzado, who was known for an extremely intense and intimidating playing style, spanning 15 seasons in the NFL...
  2. Iron Game

    The Anabolic Steroid Community

    by Mike Arnold When it comes to steroids, there has always been a rift in perception between the general public and the bodybuilding community, particularly as it pertains to their safety. While we like to consider ourselves more enlightened than our non-bodybuilding peers, the reality is that...
  3. Iron Game

    The AAS Community

    by Mike Arnold When it comes to steroids, there has always been a rift in perception between the general public and the bodybuilding community, particularly as it pertains to their safety. While we like to consider ourselves more enlightened than our non-bodybuilding peers, the reality is that...