
  1. Metal85

    I wish CT Fletcher was never born...

    So this retard keeps saying "DERPPPPPP LIGHT WEIGHTTTTTTTTTTT YEAHHHHHHHHH BUDDDDDDYYYY!!!!" x10 for sets of forever so I start saying "Wermmmmmp DECENT WEIGHT YESSSSSSSS MY FRIEND!!!" On top of that annoyingness this dude has headphones on while he intermittently singing part of the lyrics...
  2. The Dude

    Steroid site injections experiences and opinions

    This has been argued for years... some swear they work others while say it's impossible for them to work. I'm going to see what I can find as far as any legitimate findings, but I don't expect much. I have been doing them for over a decade... and for a decade I have done 98% of them in the same...