
  1. 9

    10 Times MMA Math Was Proven Totally Wrong

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    GH question

    Have not used GH is a long time. Can somebody help me with some math? Comes with 2 vials... vial of powder reads 12mg/36ius, vial of water has 3cc. If I add all 3cc to the power puff would that equal 36ius of GH? Also if my math is right 2 lines on a 100iu slin pin should be 1iu GH? Last time I...
  3. drtbear1967

    How to reconstitue your Peptides.

    theguerillachemist<!-- react-text: 39 -->I get this question all the time and it truly amazes me the lack of basic math skills in the fitness community. I guess it's bc we are the rouge rebels who don't use the metric system, but that's an entirely different topic. Here's how to properly...