
  1. jimbosmith316

    Building Big Shoulders

    Building big shoulders in bodybuilding requires a comprehensive approach that targets all three heads of the deltoids: anterior (front), medial (middle), and posterior (rear). Here are some key strategies: ### Exercises: 1. **Overhead Presses:** Barbell or dumbbell presses are foundational...
  2. drtbear1967

    About Calves Training

    About Calves Training - Let's cover 2 exercises you can use to grow your calves long-term! With an emphasis on "long-term" since the calf muscles are known to progress slowly for most people. - The calves region consists of 2 primary muscles: the gastrocnemius and soleus [1]. The gastrocnemius...
  3. Presser

    Does Injecting Testosterone Increase Dopamine Levels?

    Does Injecting Testosterone Increase Dopamine Levels? Just a few decades ago, depression was a condition that people were reluctant to talk about. People diagnosed with depression were sometimes viewed as weak, being unable to handle the tough times in life. That has all changed. It seems that...
  4. drtbear1967

    The Testosterone - Dopamine Connection

    by Josh Hodnik Just a few decades ago, depression was a condition that people were reluctant to talk about. People diagnosed with depression were sometimes viewed as weak, being unable to handle the tough times in life. That has all changed. It seems that every time I turn on the television I...
  5. Iron Game


    Q: I'm trying to add mass but have very limited time to work out. How can I structure a good mass building workout program that won't keep me in the gym all day, every day? A: Your problem of limited time is, in a way, an advantage in that it will prevent you from succumbing to the one factor...
  6. M

    MEDIAL tricep training

    So I've always had problems growing my triceps. I've been making progress but it's been about as fast as a snail up a hill. My biggest issue is just simply not having really any medial or middle head to my tri. What do yall do for that specific head or what do you think Will bring it up. I think...