
  1. J

    failded test a and e recipe

    10 grams of each brewed separately i dont care about the dosage per ml i just need it to suspend so its injectable yesterday i tried this recipe and twice it would not suspend after being in 200F+ heat over 30 min i sorta forgot about it after checking on constantly for the first few minutes...
  2. Presser

    Pressers Movie Review For "Suicide Squad" with Will Smith...........SUCKED BALLS

    WELL I watched Suicide Squad on for free, and I have to say I was excited I found a free copy to sling over to the living room tv, we made pop corn, and sat down to watch what we were all led to believe was a BLOCK Buster movie and .....IT WAS FUCKING TERRIBLE! I MEAN HONEST TO GOD...
  3. Presser

    Kind of funny story

    So i get into my office today, and I'm going bat shit crazy cause i can smell a women's perfume in my office, so I'm thinking its sunday, and someone probably didn't think i was coming into work today, and they broke in and I'm looking for missing shit, and trying to pin point what was moved...
  4. Presser

    Jonathan Gruber is a DICK BAG! M.I.T. MORON

    ANyone else been following this story on Jonathan Gruber, lol, Nothing new in terms of what i thought went on in Washington's liberal circles, but i just wanted to see who seen this dick bag spill the beans on how liberals really think of the american people like the M.I.T. Moron he is! Anyhow...