

    Healthy High Protein/Low Carb Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken

    Healthy High Protein/Low Carb Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken Ingredients: 5 Pounds Chicken Breast 4 Ounces Italian Dressing - Fat Free 3 Tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar 12 Ounces BBQ Sauce - Hickory & Brown Sugar 1 Medium Yellow Onion - Chopped 1/2 Teaspoon Crushed Red Pepper...

    **Does Cooking Protein Powder Destroy or Denature it?

    Does Cooking Protein Powder Destroy or Denature it? The question I get asked the most is that if heating up the protein powder destroys it. Whether baking, microwaving, or sunbathing with it, leaving it in a hot car, or anything else short of lighting it on fire…the short answer is (drum roll)...

    High Protein / Low Carb Stuffing

    High Protein / Low Carb Stuffing Ingredients: 1 loaf low carb stuffing bread or low carb bread (see below), crumbled or cut into cubes 1 large onion, chopped 6-7 cups chopped celery – about 2 small bunches 1 green bell pepper, chopped 1 bunch parsley, chopped (about 2 cups) 4 tsp poultry...
  4. drtbear1967

    Starting a new program.

    I am starting a new program. The first three weeks are basically a nutritional detox of your entire diet. The program doesn't recommend that you train during the first three weeks. This is due to your body getting use to all the changes that it is going through. It is my goal to get as shredded...
  5. drtbear1967

    Creatine Hydrochloride

    Creatine hydrochloride is a form of creatine with many claims about its improved absorption and overall efficacy compared to creatine monohydrate. However, these claims are based on speculation and have not been tested to verify their authenticity. At this moment, no legitimate evidence exists...
  6. drtbear1967

    Beginners - Just do something!!

    Beginners are often concerned with what method they should use to build muscle. The good news is that regardless of method a beginner almost always builds muscle easily during their first months of training. . There are even studies showing that novice runners build muscle without lifting...
  7. drtbear1967

    Ketone Monoester Study

    theguerillachemist This preliminary study was just released showing the effects of 8 healthy trained males ingesting a ketone monoester(KE) or a placebo along with a protein/glucose mixture post workout. The KE is the monoester beta-hydroxybutyrate, 1,3-butandiol. The protocol was listed as...
  8. drtbear1967

    Emotion vs Science

    Emotion (noun) means: “instinctive or intuitive feeling as distinguished from reasoning or knowledge.” - Science (noun): “the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and...
  9. drtbear1967

    The 90/90 Intermittent Fast

    The 90/90 Intermittent Fast . Time-restricted feeding (TRF) plans are a type of intermittent fasting. Basically, you give yourself a window of time in which to eat. Most of these plans can be summed up as "skipping breakfast." So, if you have a snack before bed, sleep 8 hours, then fast until...
  10. drtbear1967

    The BS on Eating Organic

    There are no clear nutritional or health benefits conferred by eating organic food over non-organic food, and they certainly won’t make you leaner. -- But we’re not saying that organic foods are bad or that you shouldn’t buy them. In fact, there may be some benefits to the farming methods used...
  11. drtbear1967

    The Benefits Of Probiotics and Prebiotics

    <iframe name="google_ads_iframe_/9217486/BB/ArticleTemplate/articletemp_LDR_0__hidden__" width="0" height="0" title="" id="google_ads_iframe_/9217486/BB/ArticleTemplate/articletemp_LDR_0__hidden__" frameBorder="0" marginWidth="0" marginHeight="0" scrolling="no" style="border: 0px currentColor...
  12. drtbear1967

    Delusion and Reality of Your Juicing.

    The Delusions & Reality of Your Juicingby Matt Porter Are you delusional or realistic about your physique goals? If I were to ask you point blank what your body fat is what would you tell me face to face? If I were to show...
  13. Iron Game

    Oral Health, What You Need To Know

    Your mouth, teeth, tongue, and gums provide clues to the health of your body. Many of these clues are related to nutritional deficiencies or hidden underlying problems. Some of these signs are frequently passed off as normal or missed. Recognizing these clues often give us the first hint related...
  14. 3J

    3Js Nutrition Network Diet and Training Coaching Online & (((Free Diet Forum)))

    3Js Nutrition Network is proud to announce its addition to the Muscle Chemistry team! Thanks so much to all the staff and admin here at MC for being so welcoming!!! What is 3J's Nutrition Network: 3J's Nutrition Network is a company dedicated to the most effective avenues of knowledge that...
  15. 3J

    3Js Nutrition Network Diet and Training Coaching Online!!!

    3Js Nutrition Network is proud to announce its addition to the Muscle Chemistry team! Thanks so much to all the staff and admin here at MC for being so welcoming!!! What is 3J's Nutrition Network: 3J's Nutrition Network is a company dedicated to the most effective avenues of knowledge that...