
  1. drtbear1967

    Addiction is a Disease, not a Crime.

    by Christian Duque First and foremost, I’d like to put my cards on the table. Yes, I’m probably the most liberal person you’ll ever meet in the world of bodybuilding. Some may even call be a closet socialist – maybe I am. I was, after all, a Bernie Sanders delegate and I did vote for Jill...
  2. akn

    Dream-n-Grow ~ An In Depth Look

    by Mike Arnold Along with training and diet, sleep is one of the foundational pillars on which any successful bodybuilding program rests. Slack in this area just a little bit, and progress will be compromised. This is not surprising, as sleep is the time during which the body recovers from the...
  3. akn

    Kratom – “The Legal Opiate Alternative”

    by Mike Arnold Introduced to the United States decades ago, but lacking the name recognition associated with similar substances, many of you may be unaware of this internationally celebrated opiate alternative. For some, the word “opiate” may conjure up thoughts of prescription medications such...