
  1. jimbosmith316

    What is Muscle Failure

    Muscle failure in bodybuilding refers to the point during an exercise where a muscle group can no longer complete a repetition with proper form due to fatigue. This is often seen as a crucial aspect of muscle training, especially in hypertrophy-focused workouts. When you work a muscle to...
  2. drtbear1967

    Are you Over-training?

    Find out how pushing your body to the limit can prevent you from reaching your goals. It seems like just the other day, you were doing your usual kick-ass chest routine and got an amazing pump. Your pectorals felt like they were jumping out of your shirt. You felt great and looked huge. The...
  3. nuknuk

    Overtraining thoughts?

    As I'm back in the gym after a very long layoff, I'm trying to train as often as I can, even twice a day when I can, so I find myself training body parts every other day or third day, basically 3 times a week. I never really did believe in overtraining, and can say that I don't feel as if I'm...
  4. Iron Game

    Short Video with Dorian Yates on Overtraining

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/-skecaaWfEU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> Great Quickie
  5. Pushtoday

    Steroids In Old School Bodybuilders

    The Reasons Behind Moderate Use Of Steroids In Old School Bodybuilders. Some Motives Really Surprise You. Nowadays most of those who take steroids to increase muscle mass are quite easy to spot due to unnatural look and sign of side effects on their body like acne. The very first question...