
  1. drtbear1967

    Partial Reps for Growth.

    You've heard this rule before: always, always, always use a full range of motion. The truth? Once you're past the newbie stage and your goal is muscle growth, partial reps have their place. . Why the Rule Was Created: Going through a full range of motion is most optimal for hypertrophy and...
  2. Iron Game

    Bench Press Alternatives

    Bench press alternatives Have you ever seen an optical illusion? A sketch of a young woman is actually the face of an old lady; or the outline of a bird, an old man. Look at them long enough, and all of a sudden you see the image in a new light, bringing new depth and meaning to the artwork...
  3. drtbear1967

    Burn Until You're Big

    Burn Until You're Big Good news: This hypertrophy training technique works fast. Bad news: It feels like your muscles are on fire. Try it if you dare. by Christian Thibaudeau The Technique: Regressive Range of Motion This training method can be used by those who are...
  4. drtbear1967

    Stick to the Basic and Bust Your Ass.

    Ladies and gentlemen: You do not need to be implementing drop-sets, supersets, partials, or ANY intensity technique until you learn to actually take a straight set to mechanical FAILURE. I get tired of seeing newbies using these techniques while looking like they're talking a walk in the...