
  1. drtbear1967

    Diet - Has to be practical.

    Diet (noun). The word that puts people off entertaining any thoughts about attempting to make nutritional changes to support an aspiring goal... (usually fat loss). The word may say diet(ing), but really you read it as: ‘the eternal struggle’... ‘something I need serious willpower for’...
  2. Presser

    What if Your Son or Daughter Wanted to Use Steroids, Compete, or maybe even Just Use Cutting Agents Clenbuterol or T3?

    What if your kid, boy or girl wanted to compete seriously, to the point where drugs are used? Steroids, peptides, Diuretics, or even Just Clenbuterol or T3. Where if anywhere do you drawl the line? I know we have had this discussion here before probably about a decade or so ago. Truth be told...