
  1. jimbosmith316

    Bulking vs Cutting

    "Cutting" and "bulking" are two distinct phases in the world of bodybuilding and fitness, each with its own specific goals and strategies. These phases are often used to manipulate one's body composition in pursuit of different objectives. Bulking: Goal: The primary goal during a bulking...
  2. jimbosmith316

    The Phases of Bodybuilding

    Bodybuilding typically involves two main phases: bulking and cutting. During the bulking phase, bodybuilders aim to gain muscle mass by consuming a surplus of calories, including an adequate amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. The increase in calorie intake helps provide the energy and...
  3. Steroidify Rep

    ❓ Did you know that liver damage can induce gyno ❓

    Most of the population thinks that gynecomastia can only be caused by steroids, either due to a high presence of estrogens or an elevation in prolactin due to the use of Nandrolone or Trenbolone (completely false myth), gynecomastia can also be due to a malfunction of the liver...
  4. drtbear1967

    How to be a life long lifter.

    Only two types of people will be life-long lifters. The first includes those people who truly love lifting and have developed a passion for it. The second type includes those who are able to connect the benefits of lifting to what they truly care about most. For them, lifting supports deeper...
  5. Presser

    What Dose of Ostarine for Cutting and Bulking Cycle. PCT for Sarms with SERMS

    Ostarine and how to cycle this Sarm and what dose to use and when is the best time to take mk-2866 Ostarine. Is it best used for bulking cycle phases of training, or should it be used for cutting cycles. What can you stack with Ostarine to maximize benefits . Does it stack well with steroids...