

    Give Your Bench Press a Major Boost With These Exercises

    Give Your Bench Press a Major Boost With These Exercises Break through your plateau by strengthening your back, shoulders, glutes, and triceps. THERE IS A certain type of gym bro, common in training facilities around the nation, that has only one method of gauging anyone else's strength...
  2. Presser

    The Inconvenient Truth About Perfect Form

    The Inconvenient Truth About Perfect FormBigger Stronger Leaner 10d <section class="topic-area" id="topic" data-topic-id="279807" style="box-sizing: border-box;"><article id="post_1" aria-label="post #1 by @T_Nation" role="region" data-post-id="5609647" data-topic-id="279807"...
  3. drtbear1967

    Working the Serratus Anterior.

    The serratus anterior is a muscle located on the surface of your first 8/9 ribs, at the side of the chest. The main functions of the serratus is to stabilize the shoulder when you upwardly rotate and protract the scapula. It's also often called the boxer's muscle since boxers heavily use the...
  4. drtbear1967

    2 handed landmine press

    Two-Handed Landmine Press – Secure one end of a barbell in a corner or on a landmine base. This version allows heavily loaded progressive shoulder training and doubles as a chest training tool. . 1. Grasp the bar symmetrically with both hands. . 2. Press your palms together and the weight...
  5. drtbear1967

    Train the same muscle 2 days in a row.

    Train the Same Muscle Two Days in a Row? – You CAN train the same muscle group two days in a row. This method of double stimulation prolongs muscle protein synthesis, leads to enhanced feedback in muscle, and triggers greater muscle responsiveness. The second session is there to enhance the...
  6. drtbear1967

    Know your angles.

    During an incline bench press, the application of the load runs in line with the upper muscle fibers of the chest, which results in increased upper chest (clavicular head of the pec major) activation [1, 2]. But how high should you set your bench? - A 2016 study investigated the effects of...
  7. Presser

    Bodybuilder Luke Sandoe Shows Incredible Strength While Pressing 220 Pound Dumbbells

    Bodybuilder Luke Sandoe Shows Incredible Strength While Pressing 220 Pound Dumbbells There is a common statement made by bodybuilders and bodybuilding fans that Monday is “International Chest Day.” It seems everyone wants to start their week by training the pecs and working on their bench. IFBB...
  8. drtbear1967

    Lateral Flexion

    Lateral flexion is another common way we see the core trained – this occurs in exercises like side bends or side crunches and typically targets the obliques. However, you can also train the obliques by resisting lateral flexion. This can be done by performing single arm suitcase carries or even...
  9. drtbear1967

    Elbow pain and how to fix it.

    General elbow pain is often associated with an imbalance between the forearm flexors and extensors. In most cases (but not all), the forearm flexor is in a state of overuse because of repeated "palm towards elbow" patterns, and you end up with an inflamed elbow tendon. <!-- IMAGE --> <!--...
  10. drtbear1967

    Bodyweight Challenge

    Can you bench your bodyweight? Mastering bodyweight on the bar is the transition between beginner and intermediate. I'm amazed when people who've been training a while still can't do it. Seven-foot tall genetic anomalies with crazy levers aside, the bodyweight bench press is something you should...
  11. Dean Destructo

    Bench Press is a PULL

    The bench press is like the Cinderella of the powerlifts. The squat and the deadlift tend to be like Cinderella’s domineering sisters, who get all the attention, while the bench press is left in the corner to its own devices most of the time. The bench press is rarely given a cursory thought...
  12. 9

    Colby pressing charges on Werdum

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. Iron Game

    Chest Training Programs, Tips, and Basics

    Basic Chest Training Every man wants a thick, strong chest for the ladies to rest their heads on in bed, as well as to look more masculine in general and fill out that T-shirt. Building a powerful set of pectorals may seem like child’s play, as most of us have been bench-pressing since...
  14. Iron Game

    Tips to improve your bench press, powerlifting!

    Tips to improve your bench <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> I wanted to share a few things that have helped my bench. I will add to the list as I think of more. If anything is unclear, post up and I will try to explain in further detail or get a vid. Strength Verified...