
  1. drtbear1967

    Training cycle from a Master Trainer.

    That's why I've spent the last few years augmenting my training toolbox. There's only so much I can say about training for bigger muscles before I unleash a barrage of Hulk Hogan-style leg drops on my keyboard. I know what your muscles need to grow. But I can't guarantee that you'll have the...
  2. drtbear1967

    Body Weight Exercises to drop Fat.

    It's easy to think you're getting stronger if your lifts are going up, even if your waistline is expanding right along with them. Increasing your body mass can improve your leverage to lift an external load, regardless of whether that mass is comprised of fat or muscle. With calisthenics...
  3. drtbear1967

    Dont forget Pull Ups

    Pull-ups are one of the first exercises people start performing when they get into fitness to improve their physique and strength. They’re frequently performed, but rarely conquered. Seeing a proper pull-up is more rare than seeing someone perform a proper squat – a testament to how easy it is...