
  1. drtbear1967

    How to stay full while on a fat loss diet.

    Part of the reason why some people find it difficult to make fat loss progress is that they do not feel satisfied after their meals. If this is the case, the first thing I would look into is your calorie-intake. - Regardless of how you design your meals, if your calorie target is extremely low...
  2. drtbear1967

    How long does it take to lose muscle?

    During the holidays, it's common for people to miss a few workouts. In the grand scheme of things, this won't hold you back. Muscle loss does not occur overnight. There is good evidence showing muscle is quite resistant to reductions in size and strength [1]. - A 2017 study found that when...
  3. drtbear1967

    NEAT could be the key to fat loss.

    Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (=NEAT) refers to the energy you expend through spontaneous movement and basic activities in your life. Think about walking your dog or walking up the stairs to your office. - There's research showing NEAT varies substantially across individuals [1]. One study...
  4. drtbear1967

    Know your angles.

    During an incline bench press, the application of the load runs in line with the upper muscle fibers of the chest, which results in increased upper chest (clavicular head of the pec major) activation [1, 2]. But how high should you set your bench? - A 2016 study investigated the effects of...
  5. drtbear1967

    Type of Cardio you do and when can influence your results

    How the type of cardio you do (and when) can influence your results. - There's good evidence indicating the interference effect is local [2, 3]. Lower body dominant cardio (specifically, running and cycling) doesn't interfere with upper body muscle development. So one effective way to program...
  6. drtbear1967

    Bench Hack

    The barbell bench press is a popular horizontal push exercise that trains your chest, triceps, and front deltoids. But when some people perform the bench press, they tend to feel shoulder discomfort. In this case, I suggest you check your form. A common cause for shoulder pain during the bench...
  7. drtbear1967

    Brandolini's Law ( The Bullshit Asymmetry)

    The "bullshit asymmetry" principle, or Brandolini's law, states that it takes a lot more energy to debunk bad information compared to how easy it is to make a bad claim. . This is because debunking bad information means we need to look up sources and think actively. . Classically, we will point...