
  1. jimbosmith316

    Minerals Do the Body Good!

    Minerals are essential nutrients that the body needs in various amounts for various functions. They are categorized into two main groups: macro minerals and trace minerals, depending on the quantity required by the body. Here are some common types of minerals: Macro Minerals (Required in...
  2. Metal85

    Can we please stop paying for hall passes?

    I am seriously so fuckin fed up w paying a primary doctor to send me to another doctor to get anything needed or done, so they all get their monthly fuckin MOB money. Such a shit ass system we have. I have insurance through a hospital and I still have paid between 25-30k out of pocket since...
  3. drtbear1967

    New Study on Lion's Mane

    theguerrillachemistA buddy of mine @ergogenic_health who knows a lot about botanicals and physiology sent me this study which is very interesting. Researchers gave mice Lion’s Mane extract(extracted in either ethanol or hexane) and measured its affect on PPAR delta(peroxisome...
  4. Iron Game

    IFBB New Bodybuilding Division: Gene Doping Class

    Future IFBB Bodybuilding Division: "Gene-Doping-Class?" Wow! Chinese scientists genetically modify human embryos! Is this the beginning of genetic manipulation/dominance in the world? What does all of this mean? The article was published Wednesday in the prestigious journal Nature The...