
  1. Presser

    Pressers New Movie Review …..FOCUS with Will Smith

    The movie "Focus" is available on VUDU right now but only to Purchase to own, not rent yet. So I purchased it, and I have to give it a 4 out of 5 stars, Maybe cause there haven't been any decent movies in the last few months, so maybe it wasn't as good as I thought it was for this reason, but it...
  2. Presser

    More VUDU Movie reviews from Presser! "By The Gun" & "The Green Dragons"

    I rented both of these movies on VUDU a couple days ago, and both i thought were worth the rental costs! But neither of them would i ever go sit in a movie theater and watch! But entertaining enough for a sit at home rental! Green Dragons, was based on a true story regarding the Asian...
  3. Presser

    Movie Review for "Dawn of The Apes"

    Rented this on VUDU a few nights ago, and it was a lot better then i thought it would be! Not worth the cost of a theater ticket in my opinion, but worth a VUDU rental fee for sure, at least in my opinion, it wasn't great, but i was bored and it killed some time for me lol