
  1. drtbear1967

    Study on Rest Pause Sets

    themusclephd💥This study found that using rest-pause sets increased muscle activation more so than traditional sets. Greater muscle activation is correlated with increases in muscle size (Wakahara, et. al. 2012) so rest-pause sets might help increase gains. Try rest-pause sets by performing a...
  2. drtbear1967

    Rest Pause Training.

    While volume is the main driver of muscle growth, it seems that not all reps are created equal. Reps closer to failure may be more effective at stimulating muscle growth for advanced lifters. Muscle growth specialist Brad Schoenfeld identified tension, metabolic stress and muscle damage as...
  3. Iron Game

    Rest Pause Training - Boost Your Training Intensity

    Go to any gym these days and you see most trainees doing an endless number of reps all in the hopes of attaining the oh-so elusive and fleetingly short pump. Blame it on Arnold who, years ago in the movie "Pumping Iron," said that getting a pump was as good as coming, or, in Arnold-ese, comink...