
  1. jimbosmith316

    Bodybuilding Sets

    In bodybuilding, a "set" refers to a group of consecutive repetitions of an exercise. A workout typically consists of multiple sets for each exercise, and bodybuilders often vary the number of sets based on their training goals and experience level. Here are common types of sets used in...
  2. drtbear1967

    Mid back Pain?

    Mid back stiffness & pain? One of the less acknowledged sources of low back pain comes from the area where the thoracic portion of the spine transitions into the lumbar segments. The thoracolumbar junction takes a lot of stress and can be a easy point in the spine to develop a hinge point. This...
  3. gandhisays

    Shredded Physique With HIIT Training

    This HIIT Training Routine Will Leave Your Physique Shredded! Stick to the following workouts for a full six weeks while keeping your diet clean, and that shredded body you could never achieve through endless cardio sessions will be yours very soon...
  4. drtbear1967

    Rest Pause Training.

    While volume is the main driver of muscle growth, it seems that not all reps are created equal. Reps closer to failure may be more effective at stimulating muscle growth for advanced lifters. Muscle growth specialist Brad Schoenfeld identified tension, metabolic stress and muscle damage as...
  5. drtbear1967

    Longer Rest between Sets to Increase Gains

    By Nathane L. Jackson, RHN, CSCS Most of us would like to see greater muscle building returns from our workout investments. What if we gave you a way and it required you to do next to nothing? Seriously. Resting longer between sets is a key to greater muscle growth. Researchers from the...
  6. Iron Game

    More LBM = Less FAT

    Most people know that muscle burns more calories than fat but, just how much more? Over the years I've heard that a pound of muscle can burn anywhere from 30-100 extra calories a day. More than one study has shown that untrained men who lifted weights could burn an extra 30-35 calories for each...
  7. drtbear1967

    Fidget Your Way to A Healthier You

    Fidget Your Way to A Healthier YOU by Matt Weik Are you a toe-tapper? Don’t think too deep into that question or become offended. In fact, let’s just get to the point. Many of us have jobs where we have to sit for long periods of time. As most of us...