
  1. Presser Now LIVE!

    Anyone can now sign up, and were still under heavy development with addons, however we have every core networking module working perfect, and this sites software is LIGHT YEARS AHEAD OF THE NEAREST COMPETITOR! We just completed the Groups RSS module, now each organization can auto populate...
  2. Presser

    I'm Back! Answering Private Messages Now!

    Been away for a couple weeks due to family related covid 19 issues. All Store Orders Are Shipped, and have been going out on time while i was away. However if anyone has any issues at all please Private message me! and I will respond right away. Our live chat in store is a direct line to me...
  3. Presser

    I'm Back! Answering Private Messages Now!

    Been away for a couple weeks due to family related covid 19 issues. All Store Orders Are Shipped, and have been going out on time while i was away. However if anyone has any issues at all please Private message me! and I will respond right away. Our live chat in store is a direct line to me...
  4. Presser

    I'm Back! Answering Private Messages Now!

    Been away for a couple weeks due to family related covid 19 issues. All Store Orders Are Shipped, and have been going out on time while i was away. However if anyone has any issues at all please Private message me! and I will respond right away. Our live chat in store is a direct line to me...
  5. drtbear1967

    Do you really need fancy gyms?

    by Matt Weik Are we now a society of special snowflakes? I mean seriously. Look at some of the new gyms out there today like Equinox. Do we REALLY need all of that technology and special treatment in a gym? We are there to get sweaty and nasty, right? Let’s discuss. A LUXURY GYM Excuse my...