
  1. yellow snow

    cheap prescription needs

    Does anyone out there buy there scripts from a Canadian outlets or someone similar? Does anyone know a stand up company that sells scripts cheap and also take good old credit cards. I would like to see if I can get some scripts I have filled cheaper than at the local CVC/Walgreens.
  2. Tuffie

    During this qurantine im trying to lean out

    So i use to talk to steroid label. MC has a banner to there website. It went down awhile ago, kept in contact with him thru whatsapp.. now the messages wont reach his number. My question is, anyone know where they branched off too? Or sells raw powder SARMS ( mk677 )? Im looking at alibaba but...
  3. Dean Destructo

    Looking for Bulk Fadogia

    I can't seem to find a place that sells bulk powder for fadogia agrestis.