
  1. J

    How to manage estro spikes while running HCG on-cycle

    Just entering my first cycle, and am thinking about running HCG 250mg EOD with Test C 250mg 2x week. I have heard that Aromasin will not work to reduce high estro caused by HCG specifically. If I run into problems with high estro, what are some other approaches to take? Stop HCG? Use Nolvadex...
  2. jimbosmith316

    Insulin in Bodybuilding

    In bodybuilding, insulin is sometimes used as an anabolic hormone to enhance muscle growth. However, its use for this purpose can be risky and should only be undertaken with extreme caution, ideally under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar...
  3. drtbear1967

    How to Reduce Cortisol

    Take This at Night and Reduce Cortisol You're probably already using it. Just make sure to use it at the right time. Cortisol: The Situational Ally Cortisol is essential to human life. By raising levels of blood glucose, cortisol provides the resources to combat stress...