
  1. drtbear1967

    Full Body Splits - How to

    When doing full body splits, it’s important to perform lower body exercises before upper body exercises. We see evidence of this importance in studies showing that performing upper body exercises to fatigue can impair your ability to maximally activate lower body muscles. This is likely evidence...
  2. drtbear1967

    Whole - Body Split = Is it Right for You?

    Is a Whole-Body Split Right for You? . by Charles Staley . People who use this split usually train 3 days a week. Each workout addresses both lower and upper-body muscle groups, although not with the same exercises each workout. . The Pros . • With the whole-body split, each muscle group gets...
  3. drtbear1967

    Women's Strength Tranining.

    Women's Strength Training<!-- ngSwitchWhen: jumbo-without-counter --><!-- ngSwitchDefault: --><meta content="Bodybuilding.com" itemprop="name"> <meta content="1-866-236-8417" itemprop="telephone"> <meta content="http://www.bodybuilding.com/images/icons/bbcom-b-logo-648.png"...