
  1. N

    Cardio Tips for Bodybuilders

    1. Go for the Stairmaster first The Stairmaster is readily available at most gyms and is one of the tougher pieces of cardio there. Another option is to walk or run the stairs outdoors (or indoors if you have the space and you won’t inconvenience other people). Almost none of the other...
  2. drtbear1967

    NEAT could be the key to fat loss.

    Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (=NEAT) refers to the energy you expend through spontaneous movement and basic activities in your life. Think about walking your dog or walking up the stairs to your office. - There's research showing NEAT varies substantially across individuals [1]. One study...
  3. drtbear1967

    Metabolic Adaption not damage.

    When someone loses weight, their metabolism decreases no matter what. This is because their energy intake is lower and their body size is lower. However, there is something called metabolic adaptation where that person's basal metabolic rate actually decreases further than what is expected...
  4. drtbear1967

    Fear is Fuel

    Fear is Fuel – You need a ghost. And you need to be afraid of it. Oh, I know. You ain't scared of nothing, and you still have that "No Fear" shirt from the 90s to prove it. But I also know that every successful person, in any field, has a ghost or two that haunts them. . A "ghost" is something...
  5. drtbear1967

    Fear as Fuel - We need our Ghost

    Fear is Fuel You need a ghost. And you need to be afraid of it. Oh, I know. You ain't scared of nothing, and you still have that "No Fear" shirt from the 1990's to prove it. But I also know that every successful person, in any field, has a ghost or two that haunts them. A "ghost" is something...