
  1. jimbosmith316

    Build a Strong Back

    Strengthening your back is essential in bodybuilding, as it contributes to a balanced and well-proportioned physique while also supporting overall functional strength and posture. Here are some key principles and exercises to help you strengthen your back in bodybuilding: 1. Compound...
  2. drtbear1967

    Stiff Upper Back? Try this.

    Stiff upper back? Sometimes it’s not the spine! Sometimes our upper back can feel stiff, especially when we talk about overhead activity limitations. When the lats become restricted they prevent the arms from fully raising above the head. This can give a false feeling of tightness or...
  3. D

    Deca causing bad cramps!

    So after about 10 yrs, I decided to try deca again. Just came off two rotator cuff surgeries and two bicep relocations so i wanted to give deca a try again to help me build up my strength in the tendons. After three weeks I started to get bad cramps, gas like pains in my upper left rib cage. I...