
  1. Presser

    Top 3SARM - Most Effective at Muscle Building and Fat loss

    Brands whos customers say they wouldnt buy again. More than 40% of customers said they would not purchase sarm again from the following companies: Chem Tek Labs LGD-4033 / RAD140 Genetix XLG LGD-3303 Receptorchem Research SARMs RAD140 What’s the best for strength and/or fat loss?The...
  2. Presser

    A New League of U.S. Steroid Users by Rick Collins 2016

    In 2005, an ambitious psychology graduate student named Jason Cohen contacted me to ask for help. Jay, now Dr. Cohen, wanted to conduct an online survey of adult Americans who are using anabolic steroids non-medically. He was concerned that potential distrust among the target population might...