
  1. Metal85

    Homeschooling driving me insane

    ** Not bc my Kids ** Bc the unorganized late nonsense every fuckin day. I start my kids at 6am doing this shit. One of the programs online is for my younger one to read an assigned book then take a quiz. No book assigned at 7am. 730. 815. 915. I finally give up, tell my wife if no book is...
  2. D


    Hit a couple of and watch your chip stack grow big enough to consider you deep into the freeroll as well as set you approximately hit your target finish whether that be progression or prize money. Commonly, you can have fun playing the games on the browser however, many online casino requires...
  3. Metal85

    Any good new movies sites?

    I am still waiting for creed 1 to have a HD copy on several sites like fmovies, but still no luck. Any recommendations for better places to look? I watched the superbowl and last few mma events by finding links through reddit as stream2go and streamgaroo etc all shit out quickly after you start...
  4. blacktail

    Tax cut!

    New tax cut means more $ for gear! :thumbsup:
  5. 3J

    Tax Return Sale is Back! Huge Savings!

    Aright kiddos, summer is just around the corner and its time to hunker down and get ripped. Why not do it with the help of 3Js Nutrition Networks online diet and training coaching? Since your wallets are full of uncle sam's tax return money, im going to run a nice sale on all my coaching...
  6. 3J

    Tax Season Sale! 3Js online nutritional/training coaching

    Its tax season!!! Why not spend some of that uncle same money on bettering your nutrition and making that next cycle count!!! Gain lean weight, lose fat while minimizing muscle loss. Let 3J personally coach you through the whole process!!! For the rest of march, the 6 month 500 dollar...
  7. Presser

    This Blew My Mind, and DID YOU KNOW????

    So a report came out this morning showing that all those times you see the Military on the NFL field prior to the games, and on the side lines and when you see the military cover the field with that huge flag how they do sometimes before games, well i always thought that was the NFL being good...