
  1. drtbear1967

    Calcium - Why you need it.

    themusclephd ��99% of our body’s calcium is stored in our bones with the other 1% being stored in the muscle. Calcium is critical for muscle contractions, but if our muscles start to run low on calcium, they can simply extract more from the bone. This is why calcium intake is so...
  2. drtbear1967

    Study on Forced Reps.

    themusclephd💥This study analyzed growth hormone levels throughout two different training sessions and found that subjects using forced reps had a higher growth hormone response during the training session. Use this method by having a spotter help you force out 2-3 extra reps per set after you...
  3. drtbear1967

    Muscle Activation

    themusclephd ��Muscle activation is highest in the first half of the lift when your muscles are at a mechanical disadvantage and have to produce an immense amount of force to overcome the weight. The mechanical advantage increases in the second half of the lift AND your muscles...
  4. drtbear1967

    100 Reps - Not for the weak at heart.

    themusclephd ◾️The 100 rep method is one of the MOST BRUTAL methods known in the gym, especially if you do it with a compound movement like the leg press or bench press. This variation of monster reps drives growth to the slow twitch muscle fibers.
  5. drtbear1967

    Ancient Peat and Apple Extract - Profile

    themusclephd 🔷Have you ever heard of Ancient Peat & Apple Extract? ---- 🍎If you haven't, then it may be something you want to look into more! Ancient Peat & Apple Extract (ElevATP) is a supplement ingredient that has been getting a lot of attention. Research shows that subjects supplementing...
  6. drtbear1967

    Peppers to Increase Metabolism.

    themusclephd ◾️Hot peppers contain capsaicin which elevates metabolism by increasing brown fat induced metabolism. It's hard to consume a lot of red peppers, however sweeter red peppers contain capsidoids which also elevate metabolism the same way. - 💥This study found that it took 1.5 mg to...
  7. drtbear1967

    Keys to BFR Success

    themusclephd 💥These are the key questions people ask when it comes to optimizing BFR. - 1️⃣Don’t unwrap between sets because you will lose the pump. 2️⃣Keep rest short. 3️⃣ The eccentric part of a rep doesn’t matter as much when doing BFR. Instead what matters is pumping as much blood as...
  8. drtbear1967

    BFR Training

    themusclephd ◾️BFR works by getting a large pump, and lots of metabolic stress. It doesn’t work because of how heavy you lift. - 💥If you select weights under 30-40 % of your 1RM studies show you can’t recruit the larger muscle fibers. So try and lift in a 40-50 % 1RM range.
  9. drtbear1967

    Blood Flow Restriction + Walking = Muscle Gains

    themusclephd◾️ The cool thing about using blood flow restriction training is that you can actually gain muscle by just walking! This study found doing BFR during walknig bouts for 5 sets of 2 minute at a moderate pace made the quads grow. - ❓So when should you use this? (1) Recovery Days (2)...