
  1. jimbosmith316

    You Need Dietary Fat

    Dietary fat is a crucial component of a bodybuilder's diet, and it plays several important roles in supporting muscle growth, overall health, and energy levels. Here's how dietary fat is relevant in bodybuilding: Energy Source: Fat is a concentrated source of energy. It provides 9 calories per...
  2. drtbear1967

    Trans Fats? Should they be illegal?

    by Christian Duque I think where I stand politically, is pretty much well known throughout the fitness industry. I don’t like boxes – so I’m not a “Democrat” or a “Republican.” I don’t like Big Government, but I do believe in social welfare. I believe in the 2nd Amendment but I’m also hawkishly...
  3. jimbosmith316

    The Uncertain Olympic Future for Trans and Intersex Athletes

    What are your thoughts or should they just leave things alone? The participation of trans and intersex athletes in elite sporting competitions has been controversial for decades, and the debate is centered around testosterone. There has never been an out transgender competitor in the...