
  1. N

    What It Takes to Get a Great Set of Abs

    Having great abs or a six pack has essentially become a trend for many of us. It's almost magical how a seductive tight waist, washboard abs, and those "sex lines" appear to fascinate the human eye. "What body part do you think ladies look at first on a man?" I asked a local survey, and 9/10 of...
  2. drtbear1967

    The Best Glute Med Weight-Bearing Exercises

    Ever wonder what the BEST glute med weight-bearing exercises are? Look no further than this infographic. In order, it’s the: . 1️⃣ Side Bridge 2️⃣ Single Leg Squat 3️⃣ Single Leg Deadlift 4️⃣ Pelvic Drop . This is from a systematic review by Reinman et al 2011. I'm going to highlight some...
  3. akn

    The Lost Art of Vacuum Training

    by Mike Arnold Of all the topics I have written on over the last several years, there are a select few I tend to return to again and again. One of these is stomach distension—perhaps the single biggest blight in modern competitive bodybuilding. Largely responsible for the destruction of the...
  4. akn

    Damaging the Aesthetic Standard – Stomach Distension – Myth vs Fact Part 2

    by Mike Arnold Food Intake If you don’t read anything else in this section, read this next sentence very carefully. Diet most certainly can and often is a contributor to stomach distension. The degree to which it contributes can range from minor to major, and in many cases it is even the...