
  1. S

    Let’s get this Party STARTED!

    Yup....time to rally up tha troops and show the world what CANADIANS are REALLY all about! I challenge each and every one of you friendly ass Maple Syrup eating hillbillies to dress to impress by letting EVERYONE know we are here not only to contribute but also add content to what is already a...
  2. chihuahua

    " Thank You for Your Service "

    My girl and I caught this movie today. I highly recommend it. It's about our troops coming home and having to deal PTSD. My little brother has PTSD from Iraq so this movie hits home. We all could do more to show our appreciation for our troops.
  3. Jpotch

    No Parade for U.S. Troops

    Although the Iraq war is controversial on many different plains, I think we all need to support the men and women of our armed forces that have sacrificed a lot. Finally, they have pulled out of Iraq and are coming back to the U.S. I recently read that for fear of sending the wrong victory...