
  1. jimbosmith316

    Oral versus Injection of Testosterone

    When comparing oral versus injection testosterone, there are several factors to consider: 1. **Absorption and Efficacy**: Injectable testosterone is often considered more effective as it bypasses the digestive system and liver, ensuring more consistent blood levels. Oral testosterone, on the...
  2. jimbosmith316

    Is Creatine Worth it?

    Creatine is one of the most researched and effective supplements for bodybuilding and athletic performance. Here's why: 1. **Increased Strength:** Creatine monohydrate supplementation has been consistently linked to improvements in strength and power, allowing for enhanced performance during...
  3. jimbosmith316

    Types of Water Explained

    The "best" type of water can vary depending on personal preferences and specific needs. Here are a few different types of water and their characteristics: 1. **Tap Water**: Generally, tap water is treated to meet safety standards and often contains added fluoride for dental health. Its quality...
  4. jimbosmith316

    Keytones in Bodybuilding

    Ketones play an interesting role in bodybuilding, especially for those following a ketogenic diet. When the body doesn't have enough carbohydrates for energy, it starts breaking down fats into ketones for fuel through a process called ketosis. This can be beneficial for some bodybuilders for a...
  5. jimbosmith316

    Recovery Time

    Recovery time in bodybuilding can vary significantly based on several factors: 1. **Intensity and Volume of Training:** The more intense your workouts are and the higher the volume (number of sets and reps), the longer the recovery time required. 2. **Muscle Group Targeted:** Different...
  6. jimbosmith316

    Testosterone after 40

    Testosterone levels typically decline gradually in men after the age of 30 or 40. This decline is a natural part of aging and is known as andropause or male menopause. While it varies from person to person, the decrease in testosterone levels can lead to various physical and emotional changes...
  7. jimbosmith316

    Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and Bodyweight

    Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) involves the administration of testosterone to increase low levels of the hormone in men. While TRT can have various effects on the body, including potential benefits for muscle mass and strength, its impact on body weight can vary among individuals. Here...
  8. jimbosmith316

    Drink Your Water

    Absolutely, water intake is crucial for bodybuilders. Proper hydration supports muscle function, digestion, and overall performance during intense workouts and recovery periods. Here are some general guidelines for water intake: 1. **Daily Consistency:** Aim to drink at least 3-4 liters (or...
  9. jimbosmith316

    Proper Needle for Different Types of Injections

    The appropriate needle size for injections can vary based on several factors including the type of medication or substance being injected, the route of administration, the viscosity of the medication, and the patient's age, size, and body composition. Here are some general guidelines for common...
  10. jimbosmith316

    Bulking vs Cutting

    "Cutting" and "bulking" are two distinct phases in the world of bodybuilding and fitness, each with its own specific goals and strategies. These phases are often used to manipulate one's body composition in pursuit of different objectives. Bulking: Goal: The primary goal during a bulking...
  11. jimbosmith316

    Protein Absorption Rates

    Protein absorption rates refer to how quickly the body can digest and absorb the amino acids from a protein source after consumption. These rates can vary depending on the type of protein and other factors. Here are some general guidelines: Whey Protein: Fast Absorption: Whey protein is...
  12. jimbosmith316

    Protein: Best Bang for your Buck

    The price per pound of protein can vary greatly depending on the source and quality of the protein. Here are some common sources of protein and their approximate price ranges per pound as of my last knowledge update in September 2021: Whey Protein: Whey protein is a popular source of protein...
  13. jimbosmith316

    Protein Does the Body Good

    Protein plays a crucial role in bodybuilding and muscle development. Here are some key aspects of protein in the context of bodybuilding: Muscle Repair and Growth: Protein is composed of amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle tissue. When you engage in resistance training or...
  14. Tailor

    Sustanon melting point

    Hi, I am about to brew some pre mixed sust. To what temp you bring solvents+powder when cooking? This thing is confusing me as sust esters melting points vary from 50C to 120C.
  15. drtbear1967

    Iso - Holds for growth.

    Iso-Holds – This is a classic movement that's been all but forgotten. I'm bringing them back with a twist Tom Platz taught me. While visiting him, we did iso-holds, but while in the hold position, Tom actually applied additional pressure, making me "tense" the muscle even more. This is probably...
  16. jimbosmith316


    #1: Key Ingredient Cannabidiol is a key ingredient in cannabis, one of more than 80 compounds unique to the plant and grouped under the umbrella term “cannabinoids.” Cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD, and THC are usually the most common cannabinoids in the plant and are therefore the most...
  17. drtbear1967

    MRC - Maximal Recoverable Volume

    by Charles Staley . Dr. Mike Israetel coined the term "Maximal Recoverable Volume" or MRV. It refers to the most amount of work (measured in hard work sets) that you can do and still benefit from. MRVs vary from person to person and from muscle to muscle. They also vary according to your...
  18. drtbear1967

    How to make healthy popcorn!!

    You know the sound of kernels popping in the microwave, right? Well, every time a microwave popcorn kernel explodes, an angel's testicle ruptures. It seems that some microwave popcorn bags contain a chemical called perflourooctanoic acid (PFOA), which is a chemical that puts the kibosh on sex...
  19. drtbear1967

    Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) Profile

    <h1>Palmitoylethanolamide(PEA)</h1> is your body's natural anti-inflammatory molecule that is endogenously produced during periods of inflammation. It was first discovered in the 1930s and was isolated from egg yolk, and since then has had over 500 published studies on it. PEA works by reducing...