HCG and testosterone replacement therapy. TRT or HRT


Staff member
[h=2]Adding HCG to testosterone replacement therapy[/h]Mar 31, 2010
Tags: [h=3]HCG[/h],[h=3]shrinking balls[/h],[h=3]testicular shrinkage[/h],[h=3]testosterone replacement[/h]
Small doses of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin should be added to Testosterone Replacement Therapy because there numerous benefits.
Usually when physicians administer TRT there are the complaints of the shrinking of the testicles. Regardless of the benefits of TRT, shrinking of the testicles isn’t very enjoyable. Testicle shrinkage happens due to the depressed LH levels in the body and it is known that HCG will restore the testicles to their previous form and function.
Let’s look at the pharmaceutical dynamics of the TRT medications. Another reason for these effects is that during the conditions of lowered testosterone levels, increases in LH production will stimulate this conversion from cholesterol into these pathways, which feeds raw material for hormone production. So the addition of HCG helps restore the natural balance of he hormones in patients who are entirely or partially HPTA suppressed.
It is very important that there is no more than 500IU of HCG administered in one day. Exceeding this dosage will be a waste of time because there can only be so much stimulation and there are also negative consequences as well.
One of those consequences is that with too much testicular stimulation it can cause a rise in estrogen levels which can have detrimental effects, such as gyno. It is recommended that 250IU of HCG two days before and also immediately previous to the testosterone injection. The reason for this is because other protocols were boosting serum testosterone levels too much.
The goal of supporting serum androgen levels is due to the patients who prefer a transdermal testosterone or even testosterone pellets taken on their third day. They shouldn’t worry about diminishing serum androgen levels from their testosterone delivery system. These people will notice a increase in serum androgen levels above the baseline. HCG is still considered the choice for hypogonadotrophoc hypogonadism. It doesn’t just bring the same subjective benefits as pure testosterone delivery systems do even when similar serum androgen levels are produced from baseline values.
But supplementing the traditional TRT of transdermal or injected testosterone with HCG stabilizes serum levels helps prevent testicular atrophy and also helps balance the hormones while increasing the well being and libido.